#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
import sys
def get_label(cmd):
label_full = os.popen(cmd).read()
print label_full
label_group = re.match(r'.*(BLD.*)',label_full,flags=0)
label = label_group.group(1)
return label
def get_image():
label = get_label(cmd)
if (target == 'edison'):
cmd_image = "\/auto\/binos-tools\/bin\/mcpre_abs image -l " + label + " -u EDISON_SUPER_NOVA"
elif (target == 'katana'):
cmd_image = "\/auto\/binos-tools\/bin\/mcpre_abs image -l " + label + " -u KATANA_SUPER_NOVA"
image = str(os.popen(cmd_image).read())
image = image.split('\n')
image = str(image[0])
print image
if (target == 'edison'):
image_name = re.match(r'.*(cat3k.*)',image).group(1)
elif (target == 'katana'):
image_name = re.match(r'.*(ct5760.*)',image).group(1)
return image,image_name
#return image
def copy_tftp(tftp_loc):
#image = get_image()
image,image_name = get_image()
touch_file = "touch " + tftp_loc + image_name
copy_cmd = "cp " + image + ' ' + tftp_loc
perm_cmd = "chmod 777 " + tftp_loc + image_name
print touch_file
print perm_cmd
print copy_cmd
if __name__ == "__main__":
cmdargs = list(sys.argv)
argsLen = len(sys.argv)
print argsLen
print cmdargs
if (argsLen == 4 and (cmdargs[2] == 'edison' or cmdargs[2] == 'katana')):
tftp_loc = cmdargs[1]
target = cmdargs[2]
branch = cmdargs[3]
print target
if (tftp_loc == '.'):
print "Getting current TFTP Location..."
tftp_loc = str(os.popen('pwd').read())
tftp_loc = tftp_loc.split('\n')
tftp_loc = str(tftp_loc[0])+'/'
print tftp_loc
if (branch == 'dev'):
cmd = str("\/auto\/binos-tools\/bin\/mcpre_abs list -b polaris_dev -m {\"s2s accepted\",\"polarispublished\",\
"creg-ready-edison\",\"creg-ready-katana\"} -n 1 -c Daily -s DONE")
elif (branch == 'throttle'):
cmd = str("\/auto\/binos-tools\/bin\/mcpre_abs list -b v161_0_throttle -m {\"s2s accepted\",\"polarispublished
\",\"creg-ready-edison\",\"creg-ready-katana\"} -n 1 -c Daily -s DONE")
print "Please give polaris_dev or v161_0_throttle branch"
print "Please provide required/Correct Parameters"
import os
import re
import sys
def get_label(cmd):
label_full = os.popen(cmd).read()
print label_full
label_group = re.match(r'.*(BLD.*)',label_full,flags=0)
label = label_group.group(1)
return label
def get_image():
label = get_label(cmd)
if (target == 'edison'):
cmd_image = "\/auto\/binos-tools\/bin\/mcpre_abs image -l " + label + " -u EDISON_SUPER_NOVA"
elif (target == 'katana'):
cmd_image = "\/auto\/binos-tools\/bin\/mcpre_abs image -l " + label + " -u KATANA_SUPER_NOVA"
image = str(os.popen(cmd_image).read())
image = image.split('\n')
image = str(image[0])
print image
if (target == 'edison'):
image_name = re.match(r'.*(cat3k.*)',image).group(1)
elif (target == 'katana'):
image_name = re.match(r'.*(ct5760.*)',image).group(1)
return image,image_name
#return image
def copy_tftp(tftp_loc):
#image = get_image()
image,image_name = get_image()
touch_file = "touch " + tftp_loc + image_name
copy_cmd = "cp " + image + ' ' + tftp_loc
perm_cmd = "chmod 777 " + tftp_loc + image_name
print touch_file
print perm_cmd
print copy_cmd
if __name__ == "__main__":
cmdargs = list(sys.argv)
argsLen = len(sys.argv)
print argsLen
print cmdargs
if (argsLen == 4 and (cmdargs[2] == 'edison' or cmdargs[2] == 'katana')):
tftp_loc = cmdargs[1]
target = cmdargs[2]
branch = cmdargs[3]
print target
if (tftp_loc == '.'):
print "Getting current TFTP Location..."
tftp_loc = str(os.popen('pwd').read())
tftp_loc = tftp_loc.split('\n')
tftp_loc = str(tftp_loc[0])+'/'
print tftp_loc
if (branch == 'dev'):
cmd = str("\/auto\/binos-tools\/bin\/mcpre_abs list -b polaris_dev -m {\"s2s accepted\",\"polarispublished\",\
"creg-ready-edison\",\"creg-ready-katana\"} -n 1 -c Daily -s DONE")
elif (branch == 'throttle'):
cmd = str("\/auto\/binos-tools\/bin\/mcpre_abs list -b v161_0_throttle -m {\"s2s accepted\",\"polarispublished
\",\"creg-ready-edison\",\"creg-ready-katana\"} -n 1 -c Daily -s DONE")
print "Please give polaris_dev or v161_0_throttle branch"
print "Please provide required/Correct Parameters"